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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A long day in Istanbul

We got back on the boat at 12:30a, and were back off and with our guide at 8 o'clock in the morning. We started off tired but ready for breakfast. Of cake. Because when in Istanbul...

Then we headed to the Hagia Sofia, a church-turned-mosque-turned-museum-turned-mosque. It was fascinating to be inside and to see the gorgeous architecture and art.

Then we headed to the cisterns, giant underground water storage designed by the Romans. Look at all the work that went into making columns, underground, underwater, that noone would EVER see - beautiful.

Hungry again, we had strange Turkish yogurt-ish pudding-ish things for a light lunch.

Next we set out for Topkapi Palace, a beautiful walk and gorgeous site.

After a long day of touring, the kids were... done.