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Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Ian, Evelyn and I were up early, so we headed to the back pool to watch the sun rise.

We hit the medieval castle tour after wandering the city for a bit. I was impressed, but our younger friends were less awed.

We strolled to find a shady spot for a drink to cool off, and bought a new dress for Evelyn along the way.

She switched to her chic new look after we finished our drinks, ready to hit the town for more exploring.

We had lunch at a not-so-delicious restaurant, but saw Steve's 100% twin. Frighteningly similar, to the point I was preparing how to say "STEVE?!?!?!" before I figured out it was someone else. Same mannerisms, same facial expressions, same glasses-on-the-head, same clothing style... it was eerie.

We picked up a couple of souvenirs and headed back to the boat.

We checked in on Piper at day camp before reading time.

Then we grabbed our cocktails and mocktails and headed to the deck to watch the ship pull out.

We also said goodbye to Ian's mustache. 

And then Evelyn Eats led us to the dining room for a delicious dinner, followed by ping pong.

We ended the night with Chocolate Suprise, where the crew brought out tray after tray after tray after tray of chocolate-y goodness for us to enjoy before bed. The chocolate-covered Cheerios and macaroons were our favorites.