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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Split, Croatia

Our first port day was Split, Croatia. Before we got off the boat, the kids had a chess match while Mom and Dad caffienated. Then we were off for our first adventure, walking off the boat and over to the old city. The kids were most excited to take a photo in front of the shop that holds the record for creating the largest chocolate bar.

We paused for Fanta and Coke Zero before continuing our walk back to the waterfront and the boat.

We rested on the boat in the afternoon before heading back to town for dinner at Sug (pronounced Shug), a Michelin-recommended restaurant celebrating local produce and cuisine. Evelyn Eats continued its photography journal.

As we walked back to the boat, Croatia's nightlife was just starting to kick in. There were disco lights, loud music, and fun parties starting to spin up all along the waterfront. We headed back to the boat for bedtime, just in time to watch the boat pull away from the dock from our balcony.