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Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Athens, you were spectacular. We took a cab from the dock to the Acropolis to start the day, and walked like crazy from there. We started with the climb to the Parthenon. It looked intimidating, but wasn't so bad in reality. And the views - and buildings - were worth the walk.

We headed on to the Acropolis Museum, which did a fantastic job putting the history of the Acropolis into context, from the Myceneans to the Romans. We spent a long time enjoying the artificats and explanations - after hydrating.

The kids were excited to note that the exit from the museum is the exact spot on the cover of the Rick Steves guidebook. We did our best to recreate it before heading under the building to see the excavation in progress.

Then we hiked through the area to a delicious lunch, followed by a stroll past Parliament to the National War Museum. The museum was... lame... but the stroll was a wonderful way to take in more of the city.